3 602k games in DB!

Here you can check various statistics about your Warzone games (see example) or start with the Global stats page. You will find:
    - games played per game type, template, map
    - win rates
    - etc

What games are covered:
- The best way to ensure, that all of you games are included is to upload the IDs of your own games. Press the "Add games to DB" button on top of the page for instructions.
- The following game modes may be fully scanned:
    - Quick match
    - Ladders
    - Clan Wars
    - Clan league
    - Tournaments
    - Other games created by the Create game API
- These modes are not covered due to WZ API limitations:
    - Auto games
    - Manually created games

Roadmap: (if this service will be in demand to motivate me to develop it)
    - Optimize server-side performance
    - Charts
    - Time based statistics or filters
    - Rewrite the userscript to copy the games IDs to looping through past game pages to decrease peak resource usage by browser

    - Now the recently completed games from Ladders 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 are automatically downloaded without the need for users to manually upload game IDs
    - Added summary statistics to player pages
    - Player pages default on-click sorting changed to descending
    - When full profile url is passed to the lookup, the resulting page url is changed to contain only profile id
    - Global stats page
    - Leaderboards for [Game Type->Template->Map] (example)
    - Outgoing links to Warzone are clearly visualized
    - Faster game scans
    - Detailed stats available for [Player->Game Type->Template->Map]
    - Public release to community
    - Template names instead of IDs
    - Autopoll updates for games, which were in progress at the moment of initial upload
    - Greater download speeds
    - Better instructions based on alpha-testers feedback
    - MVP created

Made by FiveSmith 2023